The Outcome You Want, Without The Hassle. Speak To A Lawyer Today With No Obligation

  • By: The Law Man Group, APC
  • Published: June 20, 2024
Woman looking stressed while talking on the phone.- The Law Man Group, APC

In this article, you can discover…

  • What to do immediately following a car accident in California.
  • What to not say and do at the scene of an accident.
  • The best ways to quickly collect evidence at the scene of an accident.

What Is The Very First Thing I Should Do After A Car Accident In California?

Before cars are moved, be sure to take pictures. These pictures should show where the vehicles involved finally came to rest, the damage done to both vehicles and the accident scene before any clearing of the area. If possible, you should also take photos from within your vehicle before exiting.

How Do I Check For Injuries After An Accident?

Immediately head to an urgent care center or emergency room. Take this important step even if you feel ok or don’t seem to be hurt. A doctor can identify and diagnose a variety of conditions and even injuries that may not be apparent to you yet. Cataloging your injuries will also be an important step in handling insurance companies and claims, and an immediate doctor’s visit will provide you with needed documentation.

Should I Have Any Communication With The Other Driver?

Be sure to gather the name, address, phone number, and insurance information of the other driver. This data will be important in identifying involved parties and allowing your attorney to call them and take statements at a later time.

What Should I Avoid Saying At The Scene Of The Accident?

Never say “I’m sorry” at the scene of an accident, even if you’re simply trying to express sorrow or amazement over the accident itself. Do not admit fault. Don’t say anything that might be construed as an admission of fault, such as apologizing or offering to pay for the other party’s vehicle.

How Else Should I Document An Accident Scene?

Taking photos and video footage is helpful. Your cellphone can act as both a camera and a camcorder. Ask others present at the scene if they recorded any footage of the accident, and request this footage from them. If you have dash cam footage, this would be very valuable; be sure to hold onto it.

After you’ve received medical care, returning to the area and noting possible security camera footage, Ring camera footage, and traffic cameras will be helpful for your attorney.

When Should I Call My Insurance Company?

Before you call your insurance company, be sure to speak with a lawyer first. After getting immediate emergency medical care, calling a lawyer should be your next step. Be sure not to speak to your insurance or the other party’s insurance representative. Make sure that you have a diligent, attentive lawyer handle these communications on your behalf.

For more information on What To Do After An Auto Accident In California, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (818) 699-0492 today.

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